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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update, September 23, 2016

Weekly Update, September 23, 2016
It is hard to believe that fall is upon us and our first academic grade check in for our students is complete.   Happy Fall everyone!  I look forward to the leaves turning color, cooler temperatures, and seeing my first autumn in Grinnell.  
Board Meeting Reminder:
I would like to remind everyone that there is a Board meeting on Wednesday, September 28 at 6:00PM in the boardroom.   The Board packet has been posted on our website.   You will find many routine items on the agenda that are focused on finances, approval of board policy related to distribution of materials, and a request to approve an educational research software license to assist us as we provide best educational research practices in the development of curriculum, technology integration, 21st century skills and much more. 
Special Education: 
This past Monday, I participated in the AEA 267 special education meeting via zoom.   It was nice to have this option as I did not have to physically leave the district.   Grinnell-Newburg School District will be audited this year for special educational services.    We will be reviewing our IEP's, minutes, goals, and staffing with our AEA to ensure that our special education program is compliant.   This task will begin in later October. 
Facility Audits:
The GHS, GMS, and Fairview facility audits have been completed.   I am in the process of writing the summary of my findings.  Davis and Bailey Park audits will occur next week.    I had an opportunity to meet a representative from IASB who provides support for superintendents in developing a plan here in Iowa.   I will be meeting with him in the next few weeks to review my findings and gain some feedback on options related to our buildings.  
Community Event:
The highlight of this week was our community round table event.  I am grateful to all of our parents, community members, administrators and board members who participated. (about 35 between the two evenings)  I will be reporting out on the feedback at the upcoming board meeting.  
Finance Session:
On Wednesday, I participated in one of the best finance sessions I have been a part of in a long time.   I continue to gain further understanding of our expenditures and revenues. This session information will assist me as we create our “where do we spend our money” report for the board.   Currently, we have completed the expenditures in the area of staffing by school.   Next we will examine activities, operations and maintenance.   The goal is to share with the board where are dollars are being spent at an upcoming October meeting.
TQ Grant:
Becky Slater from the Department of Education in Iowa stopped by to assist us with our TQ grant changes that are aligned to the district and building goals.  She was very helpful to our grant writing team as we made some changes to reflect our current vision and goals.   Our AEA representatives also joined us.   This was a very productive meeting and assisted me to learn more about the TQ grant and how it is funded. I have gained insight as to how we will measure our progress.  
Kites Over Grinnell:
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Kites Over Grinnell Day!  This activity is sponsored by our Rotary and will be held at Ahrens Park.   I am grateful to the Rotary for donating the supplies to our students ing grades K-4.   The activity will be held from 10:00 am-4:00 pm.   I will be working in the “kite hospital” from 10:00-1:00 pm.   I hope that if you have a moment, you will stop by to say hello.    Let’s keep our fingers crossed for rain free weather. 
Enjoy your weekend!  Go Tigers!  Game is at home tonight against Pella. 
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