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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Weekly Update, August 19, 2016

Weekly Update, August 19, 2016
Dear Grinnell Board of Education:
I want to thank you once again for affording me this opportunity to serve the Grinnell Newburg families.   This morning we hosted our annual kick off day with all staff attending.  Thank you Barbara for greeting the staff!   Dustin Smith has already been actively tweeting out the event. Thank you for your assistance today.   As you may learn, we are branding the district through the use of Belief statements and “WE ARE GRINNELL” Signs.   (#wearegrinnell on Twitter)  Many staff are beginning to post their messages via twitter and Facebook and of course even on Instagram.   It is an exciting way to highlight our district and celebrate a new beginning.   I was very pleased with our opening day feedback.  Principals are taking it a step further and would like to include parents and students too.  This will be fun! 
This week our team completed most of the behind the scenes work to prepare for today’s opening day and welcoming our students next Wednesday.   Their tireless efforts and dedication to make today a success should be noted.   We are well on our way to an awesome year.     If you would like to see the opening day video, let me know as I can share it with you either in person, or burn it to a CD.  It is unfortunately to large of a file for me to email it to you.  We will be taking out the music and added different free music so we can post it on Youtube for the purpose of copyright. 
One other note for this week:  On Monday the Chamber is sponsoring a light lunch for leaders in the community to visit with Congressman Blum.   I will be in attendance, and I know that Rachel reached out to you as well via email.  It is from 11:30-12:30 at the Chamber office This is an opportunity to share any concerns.   
Next Wednesday is our first day of school.  I will be riding the school bus so that I can learn the community even better.   Once school is up and running, I will continue with our facility audits at each building.  We are required to complete a facility status sheet through the state of Iowa as well.   Evaluating our facilities through the audit process will help us with the State requirement. 
Just a reminder the Board meeting on Monday will begin at 7:30 pm.  There is a short consent agenda and then the main topic for discussion is to fill a vacancy.  
My husband and I will be in attendance today for a short time at Dr. Knobloch’s wake and we will be in attendance at the service tomorrow.   If there is anything that I can do for you over the weekend during this difficult time, please let me know.   
This Sunday, Kevin and I hope to experience the Iowa State Fair.   This will be a first for us. 
Have a good weekend. 
Janet M. Stutz
Grinnell-Newburg Schools
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