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Grinnell-Newburg CSD


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Superintendent's Update: March 29, 2024

Weekly What’s Going Well: 

Thanks for making it another great week to be a Tiger!  Take a listen to the video with guest Ashley Wolfe chatting about the upcoming Reverse Career Fair.  Keep reading to find out more about what’s going on in the district!  As a reminder there will be no school for students on Monday April 1st as it is a Professional Development Day for our teachers.  

Reverse Career Fair
On Wednesday, April 3 from 11-1 in the Kriegel Gym, the Grinnell High School CTE  Department is going to assemble approximately 60 of our students to demonstrate skills they've learned at GHS. It will be like a science fair, where you can wander around and engage with students about their various projects and learning. Students will be demonstrating breadmaking, photography, woodworking, hydroponics, theater tech, robotics, accounting, etc. People can come for the entire time or just drop by on their lunch hour. It will be a great showcase for the students and a great opportunity for business owners to connect and engage with potential employees. Anyone is welcome!


It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!
Parents or guardians with children who need to register for Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year, registration forms are now available at Fairview Elementary School and Bailey Park Elementary School. We kindly request that registration forms be completed as soon as possible. Please return the YELLOW FORM and Home Language Survey ASAP. Early registration assists the schools in proper planning and allocation of resources for the upcoming academic year. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. You can drop off forms at any building or email them to katie.osborn@grinnell-k12.org. Thank you. 


Above and Beyond
Lindsey Peck, Larry Kline, Spencer Moyer, Brittany Moyer, and Brad Loiselle were all honored with the Above and Beyond award at the board meeting this week for their ongoing support of the Booster Club while running the concession stand.  Thanks for all you do to keep things running smoothly at events!


Middle School Food Drive
The Middle School held its annual food drive to help support our local MICA food pantry.  There were different themes for each day of the drive to help get a wide variety of staples to donate.  These themes included Wellness, Tour of Italy, Breakfast, Meal Kits, Tasty Treats, and Well Being. Check out the top 3 contributors L-R: Kaitlyn Puls (6th grade), Bryce Kolpin (7th grade) and Claire Grundler (6th grade). The final food count was 463 items!  Mrs Hollingsworth’s 6th grade Tiger Time group earned the most points overall and will be getting a special treat! 



Girls Soccer Opportunity


Elementary Family Fun Night
Elementary Families from all three of our elementary schools joined in on the fun at Family Fun Night at Davis this week!  A meal was served and many rooms hosted activities including Bingo, Yard Games, Robotics, Paper Airplanes, Board Games, Dancing, Yoga, Coloring, Photo Booth, and even an Obstacle Course!  Thanks to all those that organized and volunteered at the event as well as all our elementary families that took part in the fun! 



Good News Call
Did you know each week the Middle School Principal or Vice Principal makes Good News calls out to parents of students that exemplify the STRIVE for Excellence values?!  

S- Stay Focused
T- Take Responsibility
R-Respect Everyone
I- Inspire Others
V- Value Education
E- Expect Success

This week’s Good Call went out to the parents of Jayla:
“Jayla is showing nice improvement in attendance and academics.  She is taking initiative to get work done.  Keep up the great work!”


Middle School Students Ready to Enjoy the Day!


Snow Make Up Days
The school board passed a motion to add two snow make up days to the end of the school year.  School will be held the full week after Memorial Day with an early out on Friday May 31st as the last day of the 23-24 school year.  


League of Women Voters Upcoming Legislative Coffee
This legislative season is going strong. Please join your neighbors for the opportunity to talk face-to-face with our legislator at a Legislative Coffee sponsored by The League of Women Voters on April 6th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at Drake Community Library and via Zoom. The event will be moderated by Terese Grant who will convey questions supplied by the audience before and at the event as time allows. Senator Annette Sweeney (Senate District 27) will make a brief statement regarding her views of what is happening at the capital and then answer questions on issues expected to be considered by the Iowa Legislature in the current session. Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkce-spjosGd37EM0VnFYHh1f26knrA7vh


The Virtual Backpack can be found here:


The Activities Calendar can be found  here:



Have a great weekend!

Steven H. Barber